Kamis, 04 September 2014

Benefits of lemon cucumber and ginger water

Benefits of lemon cucumber and ginger water Acting as a diuretic
     The amount of water content in cucumber acts as a diuretic. This encourages the elimination of waste products from the body when you urinate. Cucumber helps to dissolve bladder or kidney stones.

     Helps lose weight (diet)
     Cucumber is a vegetable low in calories and high water content, cucumbers very good consumed by people who are on a diet.

Cucumber benefits for beauty

cucumber mask

     Cucumber For Skin Care
     High water content, vitamins A, B & C and the presence of certain minerals such as magnesium, potassium, silica makes cucumbers become an important part of skin care. Facial mask of cucumber juice can be used to tighten and moisturize the skin. Caffeic acid and ascorbic acid are present in cucumber can lower the level of water retention to reduce swelling and puffiness under the eyes. Cucumber skin can also help protect the skin from sun heat shock.

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